Impact Investing Evaluation Tool: Centering Equity, Freedom, and Self-Determination

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Grant Writing is a Misnomer

Grant writing is the misnomer of all misnomers. The term grant writing is inaccurate, incorrect, and just flat out wrong. When organizational leaders speak on wanting to hire for grant writing talent, whether the talent be several staff members or an external consultant or consulting firm, they usually do so when they are looking to diversify their revenue streams or increase their financial, operational, and programmatic capacities. During my tenure as President/Board Chair of several nonprofit charities and trade associations, I have hired grant writing consulting firms to help us leverage existing funds for other funding streams and to tie

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Grant Writing Capacity Building & Innovation | White Paper by La Juana (LJ) Chambers Lawson

As you read this whitepaper, grant seeking entities are responding to a global coronavirus pandemic with no clear end in sight. Earlier this year, Candid and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) published Philanthropy and COVID-19: Measuring one year of giving. Key findings from the report included:  Candid tracked some $20.2 billion in funding from corporations, foundations, public charities, and high-net-worth individuals in 2020.  Corporations accounted for 44 percent of the $20.2 billion that was awarded in 2020.  Community foundations awarded more grants than any other grant-maker type, accounting for 54 percent of total awards.  The destabilizing impact of COVID-19 has

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ETF Wrap: Putting your money where your mouth is, and we have a winner(s)!

What just happened? What a world: after four years of teasing, it’s finally Infrastructure Week! And after months of preparations — inflation scares, ETF positioning, sector rotations — the market largely yawned through the White House’s proposal. MarketWatch and ETF Wrap will, of course, continue to track all the developments with the spending package, and keep you updated on the best ideas on how to play it all (here’s a Wednesday round-up of ETF suggestions.) In the meantime, please enjoy a very special edition of ETF Wrap. The cover art is the only April Fool’s Day joke, we promise. What could be more serious than our big

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3 Lessons Learned: Grant Auditing

Preparing for a grant audit can be quite intimidating. I can recall spending countless hours at work, sometimes even staying the night, creating new report templates, performing data quality checks, reading last minute updates to the Federal Register, finalizing budget narratives, and updating performance measures. Grant writing professionals are generally regarded as first-line technical assistance providers in preparing for audits, both internal and external, because of (a) their first-hand knowledge of the grant i.e. it’s scope or performance of work, budget, management plan, deliverable schedule, etc. and (b) their stewardship of internal and external auditing controls, protocols, and procedures i.e.

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